Saturday, October 10, 2009

We really are serious.....

We have continued with our diving program and this time we are taking it to the next level. We are off to the sea. The great thing is we rode a pumpboat and traveled for about an hour heading to an island south east of Lapu-lapu.

The place is a resort owned by Mam Quene, a councilor of Lapu-lapu City. The reason that we have chosen the site is that fronting the resort is a marine sanctuary that is operated and maintained by the City of Lapu-lapu.

Of course before the dive, there is always the briefing. We now know how to set up our equipments in preparation for the dive. After the briefing, we then proceeded to the sea....

It was again another great diving experience. The best thing is we are another step closer to obtaining our diving license. I am really happy with the developments. Most especially that two additional people will be joining our team in diving.....